2.1. escsMaster

This machine is the main responsible of the running system and the most critical possible point of failure. It is its responsibility to:

  • run the acs container and services daemons
  • export user accounts and groups information to the system via YP
  • export user home directories via NFS
  • export ESCS installation via NFS
  • arbitrate and manage the GPFS storage cluster
  • act as a NAT and as a firewall for the private networks .51 and .1

configuration files can be found on the svn repo at:


The machine main configuration parameters are the following:

hardware Fujitsu Primergy RX100 S6
CPU Intel(R) Quad Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz
OS Scientific Linux 5.3 i386 (32 bit)
Kernel 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5PAE
hostname escsMaster

2.1.1. OS installation

EscsMaster is installed on a 500GB hard disk so partitioned:

[root@escsMaster /]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *           1          13      104391   83  Linux
/dev/sda2              14        2624    20972857+  83  Linux
/dev/sda3            2625        3668     8385930   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda4            3669       60801   458920822+   5  Extended
/dev/sda5            3669       55885   419433021   83  Linux
/dev/sda6           55886       56538     5245191   83  Linux
/dev/sda7           56539       57191     5245191   83  Linux
/dev/sda8           57192       57583     3148708+  83  Linux
/dev/sda9           57584       60801    25848553+  83  Linux


[root@escsMaster /]# mount

/dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda8 on /tmp type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda5 on /home type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda9 on /data type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda7 on /alma type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda6 on /system type ext3 (rw)

During the installation process packages are installed directly from the installation CD and we selected KDE desktop environment, Developer tools including gcc, g++, make and kernel headers. We removed every accessory package related to office and productivity work.

2.1.2. Additional software

You can find additional software packages in the /root/sofwtare directory, necessary packages are:

  • e1000 NIS driver
  • e1000e NIS driver
  • cfitsio3100
  • CCfits-2.1
  • qt-X11-opensource 4.5.2

all these packages can be installed uncompressing the tar.gz packages and doing a configure, make, make install loop:

[root@escsMaster /root/software/]# tar xzvfp *.tar.gz
[root@escsMaster /root/software/]# cd ccfitsio
[root@escsMaster /root/software/ccfitsio]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
[root@escsMaster /root/software/ccfitsio]# make
[root@escsMaster /root/software/ccfitsio]# make install
[root@escsMaster /root/software/]# cd /root/software/CCfits
[root@escsMaster /root/software/CCfits]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
[root@escsMaster /root/software/CCfits]# make
[root@escsMaster /root/software/CCfits]# make install
[root@escsMaster /root/software/]# cd /root/software/qt-4.5.2
[root@escsMaster /root/software/qt-4.5.2]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/qt-4.5.2
[root@escsMaster /root/software/qt-4.5.2]# make
[root@escsMaster /root/software/qt-4.5.2]# make install
[root@escsMaster /root/software/qt-4.5.2]# cd /root/software/e1000-xxx/src
[root@escsMaster /root/software/e1000-xxx/src]# make install
[root@escsMaster /root/software/e1000-xxx/src]# modprobe e1000
[root@escsMaster /root/software/e1000-xxx/src]# cd /root/software/e1000e-xxx/src
[root@escsMaster /root/software/e1000e-xxx/src]# make install
[root@escsMaster /root/software/e1000e-xxx/src]# modprobe e1000e

We than need to install the proper GPFS packages:

[root@escsMaster /]# cd /root/software/gpfs/
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -vi gpfs.base-3.2.0.i386.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -vi gpfs.docs-3.2.0.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -vi gpfs.gpl-3.2.0.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -vi gpfs.msg.en_US-3.2.0.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -Uv gpfs.base-3.2.1-29.i386.update.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -Uv gpfs.gpl-3.2.1-29.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -Uv gpfs.msg.en_US-3.2.1-29.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -Uv gpfs.docs-3.2.1-29.noarch.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# rpm -vi gpfs.gui-3.2.1-29.i386.rpm
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# echo "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)" > /etc/redhat-release
[root@escsMaster /root/software/gpfs/]# cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/src
[root@escsMaster /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/]# make Autoconfig
[root@escsMaster /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/]# make World
[root@escsMaster /usr/lpp/mmfs/src/]# make InstallImages

2.1.3. Users and Groups

Users are defined on the escsMaster machine and then exported via yellow pages to all other devices in the system, so it is particoularly important to pay great attention during this process.

Defined groups are:

group name gid group role
escs 335 owns ACS system files and processes
observers 336 final user accounts which run observation tools

While necessary users are:

user name uid groups user role
manager 3060 observers,escs Run the ACS system
observer 3061 escs Executes the observations

Create those with:

[root@escsMaster /]# groupadd -g 335 escs
[root@escsMaster /]# groupadd -g 336 observers
[root@escsMaster /]# useradd -g observers -G escs -n -u 3060 manager
[root@escsMaster /]# useradd -g escs -n -u 3061 escs

You can find permissions and configuration files on the repository, at http://svn.med.ira.inaf.it/repos/escsconf/escsMaster/ , user related files are:

/etc/sudoers /etc/shutodwn.allow /etc/inittab /etc/pam.d/login
/etc/pam.d/sshd /etc/security/access.conf /etc/skel/.bashrc
/etc/skel/.bash_profile /etc/skel/.idl

With this files, users are prohibited from shutting down the machine or putting it offline and reboot. SSH login is permitted only to root and observers group in order to run observations.

Pam files are removed for preventing accidental shutdowns:

[root@escsMaster /]# rm /etc/security/console.apps/poweroff
[root@escsMaster /]# rm /etc/security/console.apps/halt
[root@escsMaster /]# rm /etc/security/console.apps/reboot

Then we execute gdmsetup in order to disable login window actions and configure the welcome message:

[root@escsMaster /]# gdmsetup

2.1.4. NIS

Users and groups are exported via yellow pages service nis. Service configuration is done using the files:

/etc/ypserv.conf /etc/yp.conf /var/yp/securenets /var/yp/Makefile
/etc/rc.local /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/idmapd.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf

For the service to run correctly it is important to configure all domain names, hostnames and nisdomains to escsMaster.med.ira.inaf.it. After having set the correct options in the configuration files we need to rebuild the NIS database and permanently activate the service:

[root@escsMaster /]# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
[root@escsMaster /]# service ypserv start
[root@escsMaster /]# chkconfig ypserv on

2.1.5. ACS

ACS software package must be configured to run on the escsMaster node. We first extract necessary files and then configure users to load the correct environment variables:

[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir alma
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs /alma
[root@escsMaster /]# su - manager
escsMaster manager:~ > cd /
escsMaster manager:/ > tar xzpvf /home/manager/ACS.tar.gz
escsMaster manager:/ > cd alma; chown manager:escs ACS-8.2/
escsMaster manager:/alma > cp -r /alma/ACS-8.2/ACSSW/config/.acs $HOME
escsMaster manager:/ > vi ~/.bashrc
escsMaster manager:/ > vi ~/.bash_profile
escsMaster manager:/ > su - observer
escsMaster observer:/ > vi ~/.bashrc
escsMaster observer:/ > vi ~/.bash_profile

We create the necessary directories and set the right permissions:

[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs system
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:observers archive
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /system/configuration
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs /system/configuration
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /system/docroot
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs /system/docroot
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /system/introot
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs /system/introot
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /system/sources
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:escs /system/sources
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /system/userbin
[root@escsMaster /]# chown manager:observers /system/userbin
[root@escsMaster /]# su - manager
escsMaster manager:~ > cd /archive
escsMaster manager:/archive > mkdir /archive/data
escsMaster manager:/archive > mkdir /archive/schedules
escsMaster manager:/archive > mkdir /archive/logs
escsMaster manager:/archive > mkdir /archive/events
escsMaster manager:/archive > mkdir /archive/extraData
escsMaster manager:/archive > chmod 710 /archive/*

Then we can checkout and install the escs system:

[root@escsMaster /]# chmod a+rw /data
[root@escsMaster /]# cd data
[root@escsMaster /data]# mkdir ACS
[root@escsMaster /data]# chown manager:escs ACS
[root@escsMaster /data]# su - manager
escsMaster manager:/ > cd /data/ACS
escsMaster manager:/data/ACS> svn co http://belzebu.oa-cagliari.inaf.it/repos/ACS .
escsMaster manager:/data/ACS > cd /data/ACS/trunk/SystemMake #this will change to  ACS/tags/escs-0.3
escsMaster manager:/data/ACS/trunk/SystemMake > make all
escsMaster manager:/data/ACS/trunk/SystemMake > make cdb
escsMaster manager:/data/ACS/trunk/SystemMake > escsInstall

And we can set acs to start at boot time:

[root@escsMaster /]# vim /etc/rc.local
su -l manager -c acsservicesdaemon &
su -l manager -c acscontainerdaemon &

2.1.6. ACS Temporary Data

ACS needs to store log informations for each process running inside the system. this is true for every container, daemon, manager ecc... This files can be very large and sometimes they can flood the disk space resulting in wrong ACS behaviors, so we decided to store these files into a local directory on each machine:

[manager@escsMaster ~] vim ~/.bashrc
export ACS_TMP=/data/ACSTMP

And we create the necessary directory setting owner and group to the ones used by ACS processes:

[manager@escsMaster ~] cd /data
[manager@escsMaster data/] mkdir ACSTMP
[manager@escsMaster data/] chown manager:escs ACSTMP

2.1.7. NTP

Ntp service for system clock synchronization is configured via /etc/ntp.conf and /etc/ntp/ntpservers connecting to the station servers , labtf.med.ira.inaf.it and We also define a custom /root/bin/plot_loopstats command:

[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /var/log/ntpstats
[root@escsMaster /]# chown ntp:ntp /var/log/ntpstats
[root@escsMaster /]# service ntpd start
[root@escsMaster /]# chkconfig ntpd on
[root@escsMaster /]# /root/bin/plot_loopstats

2.1.8. Firewall

Iptables is configured so that it:

  1. Accept connections from .189 .1 and .51 subnets on the specific interfaces

  2. Act as NAT for the .51 subnet and routes incoming connection to the subnet for a selected number of machines based on ip-restriction.

  3. Act as NAT for the .1 subnet routing all the connection from the .1 subnet to the outside:

    [root@escsMaster /]# less /root/bin/firewall
    iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -s -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -s -j ACCEPT
    iptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth2 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth2 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -s -o eth2 -j ACCEPT

The script will configure and start iptables service while saving its configuration for sequent reboots. We also need to have ip forwarding enabled in /etc/sysctl.conf Complete file configuration can be found on the svn repo at http://svn.med.ira.inaf.it/repos/escsconf/escsMaster/root/bin/firewall .


Pay attention when configuring or managing the firewall as it now is the only access point to the .51 subnet. This means that temporarily stopping the firewall or disconnecting the eth2 interface will result in antenna failures in every software communicating with antenna apparatuses.

2.1.9. NFS

We have had some issues setting up the NFS file system exports. With this kernel we did not manage to work with NFSv4 while everything is perfectly fine with NFSv3 that is the one we are currently using. NFS is used in order to export user home directories and ACS system installation while GPFS is used in order to manage archived data.

First, we create the exported filesystem directories:

[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /exports
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /exports/home
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /exports/system
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /exports/docroot
[root@escsMaster /]# mkdir /exports/userbin

Then we bind the filesystem to the exported directories modifying the /etc/fstab file adding the following lines:

/home                  /exports/home           none    bind            0 0
/system/introot        /exports/system         none    bind            0 0
/system/docroot        /exports/docroot        none    bind            0 0
/system/userbin        /exports/userbin        none    bind            0 0

Now the OS must be instructed to export the bound filesystems:

[root@escsMaster /]# cat /etc/exports
[root@escsMaster /]# exportfs -rv

And we start the nfs server:

[root@escsMaster /]# service nfs start
[root@escsMaster /]# chkconf nfs on


Data backup is realized on IRA-Bologna servers via rsync. we thus must authorize IRA server to use rsync service on escsMaster which is the public access point of the control system and enable rsync service on the machine itself:

[root@escsMaster /]# vim /etc/rsyncd.conf
    comment=archivio osservazioni single dish
    read only = yes
    list = yes
    host allow =
    uid = 3060
    gid = 335

[root@escsMaster /]# vim /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
# default: off
# description: The rsync server is a good addition to an ftp server, as it \
#       allows crc checksumming etc.
service rsync
    disable = no
    socket_type     = stream
    wait            = no
    user            = root
    server          = /usr/bin/rsync
    server_args     = --daemon
    log_on_failure  += USERID

Service can be started and monitored using:

[root@escsMaster /]# service xinted start|stop|status|restart


Data are removed from /archive directory after 60 days and saved into /data/garbage as .tar.gz archives. This is realized as a cronjob running each night at 03:00am, and is logged in system log /var/log/messages

[root@escsMaster /]# vim /root/bin/purgeData
#@author Andrea Orlati (a.orlati@ira.inaf.it)
#@date 21/04/2011
#modified Marco Bartolini (bartolini@ira.inaf.it)
#@date 08/01/2014
FILES=$(find /archive/data -mtime +60 -type f)
if [[ $FILES ]]; then
    OUTPUT=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d")
    mkdir -p /data/garbage/$OUTPUT
    for j in $FILES
        mv -f $j /data/garbage/$OUTPUT
    cd /data/garbage
    gtar czpf $OUTPUT.tar.gz $OUTPUT/
    rm -rf $OUTPUT
    logger "backup data to file /data/garbage/$OUTPUT.tar.gz"
    logger "no data for backup"

2.1.12. Finalizer

Finalizer is a software package that parses scheduled reports as produced by the control system and copies data in a schedule by schedule loop into a specified directory for further archival. Finalizer can be downloaded from discos github organization .

At present the software package is installed in the escsmaster machine in the manager user home. This is how the software is configured

[manager@escsmaster] cd /home/manager/software/finalizer
escsMaster manager:~/software/finalizer 1012 > ls
finalizer.cfg  finalizer.py  LICENSE  readme.md  start_finalizer.sh
escsMaster manager:~/software/finalizer 1013 > cat finalizer.cfg

job_files_incoming_folder = /archive/report/
job_files_done_folder = /archive/report.old/
job_files_failed_folder = /archive/report.failed/
tar_folder = /locallustre/finalized_data

job_status_folder = /home/manager/.finalizer/finalizer_status
lock_file = /archive/locks/ScheduleRecording.lck
pid_file = /home/manager/.finalizer/finalizer.pid

# 1: critical errors, 2: non-critical errors, 3: debug info
log_file = /home/manager/.finalizer/finalizer.log
debug_level = 3

The finalizer software should be run as a cron job. At the moment it is not run as a recurring job in cron as there are still issues with the report creation.